I spent many months reading and trying to feminise my voice on my own, to very little effect. After a year with Gwyneth, I wished that I had started voice feminisation with her sooner. Gwyneth was incredibly flexible and understanding in my limitations as an nsf [National Service Fulltime] and gladly worked around it and my lack of private space to practice. Frankly, things will get hard and you will be frustrated, but stick with it, Gwyneth will patiently and consistently try to find something that works for you and guide you through it.
It’s been a breath of life, feeling that my voice is finally my own and that I can present myself as I am. Having friends rave and be in awe at how good and natural your voice sounds is one of the best feelings in the world.
– Laura
Laura underwent voice feminisation therapy with me. We worked on voice conditioning, pitch, and more importantly, resonance/register adjustments at her targeted training pitch. Some sessions were also done via telepractice (Zoom). Through time, she developed a better awareness of her voice and was able to monitor it well. It is very satisfying when a patient undergoing voice feminisation can finally identify with her voice.
She has very kindly allowed a voice sample of her reading “The Game”. Have a listen to the pre and post treatment examples!
Well Done Laura!
Pre Treatment, 115Hz
Post Treatment, 232Hz